Negotiating Plea Deals

  • 3 Serious Mistakes That Can Make You Face Severe Consequences For Drug Possession

    15 December 2022

    Many people panic when law enforcers arrest them for possession of drugs. As a result, they make poor decisions that jeopardize their cases. This mostly happens because they say or do something that makes them appear guilty. Note that if you do this, you may get lengthy jail sentences or huge fines when you appear in court. As such, the best way to avoid such consequences is by contacting a legal advisor immediately after the police arrest you.

  • The Journey From Abuse To Freedom

    19 September 2022

    Domestic violence directly affects those in a committed relationship with an abuser, plus can have a serious impact on children and other family members who are tied to the victim. There are occasions when an attorney will become involved in a domestic matter. This person can be a great support to a victim, plus will ensure that a victim receives the justice and peace of mind they deserve. Breaking The Cycle Of Abuse

  • 3 Reasons To Get In Touch With A Criminal Defense Lawyer If You'Re Accused Of Larceny

    20 June 2022

    Unlawfully taking someone's item with the intention of not returning it is a serious crime. Depending on your criminal history and the value of the item you stole, you could be charged with a misdemeanor or felony. Any of these charges can affect many things in your life, including your reputation, career, and ability to get a loan. If you're facing a larceny charge, you should get in touch with a criminal defense lawyer.

  • Tips For Leaving Your Home To A Loved One After You Pass Away

    21 March 2022

    One of the most expensive assets you own is likely your home, and you'll want to pass this on to a loved one after you pass away. Here are some tips that will help you do it. Do Not Donate Your Home To Them Before You Pass Away Some people think that it will be easier to simply donate the home to the person they want to give it to while both people are still alive, all while you continue to live in it.